Category Knitting Info

Vogue Knitting

Vogue Knitting Knitting is an interesting art and most of the people spend their leisure period in knitting socks, sweaters and other things. Therefore, many people are crazy about knitting and they love vogue knitting. There is always something new…

Tips for Knitting Your Own Socks

Tips for Knitting Your Own Socks As a knitter, at some point you might decide that you want to try your hand at knitting a pair of socks. Because hand knit socks are like no others in their comfort and…

Tips for Joining A Knitting Group

Tips for Joining A Knitting Group If you are new to knitting, or a seasoned pro, a knitting group might be just what you have been looking for. Joining a knitting group can offer you help with a new pattern,…

Supplies For Knitting

Supplies For Knitting Knitting is a popular activity the world over. But like the olden days, this activity is no more confined to a needle and a yarn. The world of knitting supplies is vibrant and expansive. One can choose…

Sewing And Knitting

Sewing And Knitting I was looking with my neighbor for a project to keep us busy during the winter; something that we would both enjoy and something that would help the community. We both like sewing and knitting, so we…

Magazines For Knitting

Magazines For Knitting Considered an ancient art, knitting is a popular modern hobby. Knitting is ardently practiced as a hobby the world over. Knitting machines have brought in a revolution in the world of knitting. These machines have simplified this…

Loom Knitting

Also referred to as French knitting, reel knitting, spool knitting, box knitting, rake knitting, ring knitting, bung knitting, frame knitting etc.; loom knitting is an ancient art that has recently seen resurgence. Knitting, today is popular the world over. And…

Knitting Looms

Knitting is an old art form which has regained popularity in recent times, so is the case with the knitting looms. Knitting on looms is much easier than knitting on needles. Various manufactures produce knitting looms that can be used…