Sewing And Knitting

Sewing And Knitting

I was looking with my neighbor for a project to keep us busy during the winter; something that we would both enjoy and something that would help the community. We both like sewing and knitting, so we thought that we could try to make use of these skills in whichever project we chose. We got in touch with a local care home for the elderly and volunteered our services. They said that some of their residents suffer from bad circulation and often feel cold throughout the winter, particularly those in wheelchairs. Many patients have to be covered in blankets, so they suggested that we could knit some blankets for the residents. We were given the specifications, including the desired dimensions so as not to get caught in the wheels of the wheelchairs, and we consulted on choice of yarn and pattern.

The blankets were ideal. They were easy and quick to complete, and were also easy to transport, so we could meet in each other’s house to continue with the project. I decided to go for a patchwork style look on the first blanket I made, making use of scraps I had from past projects. I put it together in a random pattern, and then used a single fabric for the other side to give it a finished and professional look, and a soft layer of thick padding to go in between. After completing each component part, I pieced them together and traced a very basic embroidery-quilting pattern on the top to finish. The blankets were ideal to work with because they fit so snugly on your lap and were easy to handle.

When I finished off my quilts I phoned my neighbor and asked how her project was coming along. She had run out of supplies, and told me she had to go to the store to get more fabrics. When we awoke the next day, there was deep snow with blizzard winds, making a trip to the store impossible. There was a localized travel recommendation to stay indoors and not make any journeys that were not essential. My neighbor walked across to my house and asked if she could finish the trimmings on my quilts to keep her occupied. So we sat in front of the fire my husband built with logs and twigs from the garden, and finished off my quilts. It was so relaxing and cozy to finish off the quilts on such a terrible day. The guys sat and played cribbage all day, and we drank some of the brandy we’d kept for special occasions. It was a great day.

When I finish off the hand sewing, I will bind them with a single color before sending them off to the nursing home, where they can hopefully help out someone this winter.

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